TFI Friday

TFI Friday

Hard week at work - but finishes off with a lovely sunset to the West. It is strange that it is so calm here, when there is giant storm/typhoon hitting the Phillipines as we speak. Life is such a strange set of dichotomies, or perhaps more literally shades of grey between polar extremes. I was reading work by Levi-Strauss today - who is a famous French structural anthropologist. I am not sure how that relates to anything, but it was certainly stimulating thinking about myths and rituals - and how these remain structurally similar or replicable over time, given the ability of humans and cultures to be bricoleurs. Improvisation is the theme for the day or perhaps a Mytheme as Levi-Strauss would say.

So - a sunset for us (and so many myths contained within it and what it represents) - and a tornado with 200 mile winds for others. It is just a matter of what side of the fence you end up on.....

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