
By Grimsayer

Revenge is sweet .....

... but in this case not as, allegedly, the Mafiosi would say a dish best served cold but will be served roasted with lashings of red currant jelly.
Two days ago whilst my nets were up trying (and failing) to ring some Meadow Pipits. some brainless ovine quadruped decided to walk into one of my nets - designed to be so thin that they are almost invisible. Sadly this also means there are quite delicate unlike this beast that must have walked about twenty metres towing the remnants of the net with her. The net is now either to throw away or to be the subject of many hours of painstaking repair.
Revenge? Today I visited one of the local crofters and ordered a lamb for next week - not I hasten to add as a pet but for dinner. It won't be the one but at least it makes a point to the sheep population I hope.
How does this all tie in to the image? I refused to lower myself to a cheesy fluffy white sheep set in an idyllic meadow and indeed the weather today was not conducive to such a shot.
The photo is of a black croft (in fact strictly as it has two chimneys it isn't and clearly it is not black but the idea is there.) and I love to see that increasingly many of these are being done up again and are coming back to life.
Why did they ever fall into disrepair? The clearances of the 19th century meant a lot of the local population had to leave their land - many emigrated away - because the landowners (normally English aristos) wanted to put more sheep on the land.
So next time you eat a lamb chop remember that you are revenging both hordes of Scottish crofters from the past and, more recently, my mist net.

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