The fisherman

Another quickly grabbed candid. When I saw the fisher-folk gazing upward I thought there must be something of interest passing over or that they were seeking divine guidance and I then realised that they were watching the tip of the rod for a strike (which is what I believe that call it when they find that a fish has grabbed the hook). I've never been a fisherman but I can totally understand the relaxation from being somewhere pleasant away from a screen and noise.

As it happens I've spent the day away from technologies. I spent the morning in a chapel - not one of my usual haunts. One need not share a belief to respect it and some of the statuary in this chapel is beautiful. I had a chat with a few students and then there was a break before my escort and I went somewhere else. To fill the time we went up the road to a local boozer.

The last time I was there it was just that; a boozer. But it's had a massive refurb and it is now something else completely. Black slate floors, white walls with mono images, black and white squirly-patterned rugs and the bar has a glass top. I'm no marketing guru but I have worked in the licensed trade and this place left me wondering. It's a small village that is a hefty walk to a main road; there won't be much passing business. The only local trade comes from where I was visiting and the staff from there are after a sandwich and a glass of something cold; it's their off-site canteen so as long as it's clean the décor won't be a big draw. I hope that it does well but it must be aimed at a market that's not immediately apparent to the unskilled eye.

Then back to work in a different, more relaxed, site. A large group of folk wanted a chat but before we joined them someone I've known for many years came to say "hello" and that he's due to move out soon; really good news. We'll not lose touch and he's hoping to come to the degree ceremony in Brighton next year.

Then round the corner where I grabbed this shot (you've been here a good few times before) and home for a bit of air guitar to the Kings of Leon and a cup of tea. Just a load of work emails to get through before some serious vegging in front of the TV.

Thursdays are odd days but that need not stop them being fun and from here we can see the deliciousness of the weekend on the horizon. Forza!

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