Purple, Pink and Perky

Tradescantias thrive in cold water.
Though you'd think that, as pot plants, they oughta
Wear good compost boots
To nurture their roots -
Leaves die off - they look ready for slaughter.

All the leaves in this vase, purple, pink and perky, are cuttings from my potted tradescantia. Although the mother plant is producing lots of lovely new foliage, the leaves die back from the base, so that most of the plant is clothed in dry, dead leaves - not so pretty. The cuttings quickly sprout prolific roots and they make a lovely flower arrangement. In fact they do produce tiny pink flowers even in water. The one thing to remember though is to change the water frequently to keep it fresh.

This vase I made nearly 40 years ago. When we were first married I went to a pottery evening class. In case you can't tell - it's supposed to be a hessian sack with a mouse climbing up it. It was the only mouse we had in that - our first - house, unlike this house.

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