Guilty as Charged

Awaiting trial in the land of the flat pack, these bears are putting on very different brave faces. The rest of the 'hug' had either taken refuge in kitchen equipment or lay in suffocating death pits throughout the store.

Yes, we took our courage in both hands and ventured forth to the land of the blue and yellow this morning with a list of 2 items.
Needless to say we returned home with 12 items, not one of them being either of the ones we wanted, or even essential.

One requires nerves of steel and icy resolve to walk through that store, so colourfully and cheerfully Scandinavian, and not be seduced into popping eye catching items into the first little yellow bag, then the second little yellow bag, and finally the big blue bag at check out.

This store appears to have the same appeal for home furnishing that M&S has for ladies' lingerie.

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