Little boxes

You know you are regarded as being on the slippery slope to terminal decline when the people on the street handing out fliers, ignore you, and you are free to skip past unmolested.

This is generally good, but today I was amused and not a tad miffed to note that the guy giving out fliers for a new gym didn't bother with me as I trundled along with my bags of shopping. I've no doubt that he placed me in the ageist box.
I allowed myself a wry smile at the thought of how wrong he could be.

With His Lordship loose on the hills without a care in the world, I was out hunting birthday presents for those whose parents timed their children's conceptions at entirely the wrong time of year, and that unfortunately goes for me and my own parents.

Boxes and notebooks I collect.
In the past it has been bags and purses, never shoes, but that period is long gone and now I have collection of boxes of all descriptions and a cupboard full of pristine and unsullied notebooks, waiting for the write right use. Some of them have been waiting for years.

These are three of my favourite wooden boxes.

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