a tree...

...on the rocks

sounds like a drink - doesn't it?

but it's not - it's simply a tree - out in the middle of somewhere - sitting on top of a rock - which i thought appeared somewhat artistic - being surrounded by some other rocks in the background - all pink and white and reddish in color - a bit saturated and sun washed by the light - it just struck me... you know how that goes - when you're out walking along the path - alone with your thoughts - wrapped up in them, when all of a sudden - you get jarred out of 'em by this scene in front of you?

well - that's how this was - with this tree - standing up there, all balanced and i got to thinking about where are the roots and all - how's it being fed if it's not really in the ground - it's one of those mysteries of the earth - how god puts these kinds of things in front of me to remind me how big he is - how in control - because clearly the tree continues to grow - survives against the odds - it's how we are - as a human race - some of the amazing things which occur every day in spite of - or because of... that leave us grateful - thankful - knowing it's made for...


happy day.....

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