Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Going out for some warmth

It is really cold in the office. I mean REALLY cold. In fact yesterday, I thought I might wear my thermals to work just so I can stop thinking about how cold I am! I am not moaning. It is just a fact. Lots of the other ladies are freezing too.

So, yesterday when I went to thaw out - I found this neat spot to capture the building. Flags always look so majestic and official and downstairs - we have 6 or 7 - which signify the foreign consulates which are in the building. I'll leave you to enjoy identifying these. Unfortunately you can't see the Swiss flag which is at the far end.

G & I met up with some of the members of the Magnificent 7 tonight for 2 free glasses of champagne! Very good, pleasant and easy company. Lots of chatter and fun. Need to post soon so I can get enough sleep in to function tomorrow! It's almost the weekend. YAY! :))

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