Fire works
Well this one does anyway.
The female members of the household were about 60% fit today, but there was no point even trying to persuade TallGirl to take another day off. Mind you, I saw the point of her stubbornness in that regard at parent/teacher consultations tonight. You could choose which teachers (if any) you wanted to see. I had gone, notebook in hand ready to jot down areas where she needed to concentrate more, but was met with a consistent barrage of "She's doing great. Why are you even here tonight?"
A fact confirmed when, later at home, I got my head around how the school website worked - showing her test results against the class average, highest and lowest. All very high tech, and reassuring for a parent who doesn't understand the system here. It all served as cheery news to a rather depressed Mr B who had a rubbish day at work.
Earlier I threateningly waved screwdrivers and coat hangers at the dishwasher, and it seems to have submitted to my will. Our best paraffin heater has not responded to similar treatment, so may have to go back to the shop tomorrow to be shouted at by someone more qualified.
In other news, it poured all day.
Good job there was no bonfire planned.
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