
By Aliscotia

Stay safe and well my friends...

Well, we are off on our big trip! We go to the airport this evening before flying down under on Wednesday. I have never been on a month long holiday before but luckily our friend in New Zealand has offered us the use of her washing machine on days 9 and 16, so we only have to pack for ten days! Having looked at the weather forecasts for Melbourne, Sydney and Wellington we do need quite a variety of clothes….I think layers will be the answer.

I won’t have my computer with me, just my ipad but Robin will have his so I will try to load a shot every few days so you can follow our trip, but most shots will be back blipped on our return.

I won’t be able to follow your journals in detail during the trip but I will try to have a look now and then because, simply, it will feel strange not to!
Have a good month blip friends. Best wishes to all.

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