Isn't it weird... sometimes the washing comes out cold and sometimes it is warm? The world is a truly amazing place and I guess I'll never know why.
Earlier, I had quite a pleasant day at work; I appear to be invited to fewer and fewer meetings. I suspect I'm on the outside of the circle of trust now. That's fine, and I'm content to sit at my desk and work instead of attending the never-ending round of meetings I formerly endured.
Bonfire Night tomorrow. As a child we would go guising on Halloween to raise money to make an effigy of Guy Fawkes to burn on the 5th of November. The celebration has its roots in anti-catholic sentiment but thankfully it's much changed and we just burn each other with sparklers and faulty, cheap fireworks from the pop-up shops which appear at this time of year to sell explosives to children and idiots.
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