Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Labor Day in Laguna Beach

We left the house and the Inland Empire early this morning and spent much of the day in the City of Laguna Beach. This photo is a shot of Main Beach from a place called "Laguna Village," which is mostly an outdoor restaurant that borders the shore and then between the dining area and Pacific Coast Highway are numerous shops -- jewerly, leather, shells, and several artists displaying their work. We had a breakfast there of poached eggs, and Mr. Fun had a fruit bowl and I had wheat toast to accompany our eggs. Also included in the photo is a close-up taken later of the historical lifeguard station on Main Beach which the big photo is looking toward.

After breakfast, we went back to check on Bob dog (he was napping in the car which was parked in a shaded section of a double story parking structure). We put more money in the parking meter, put the leash on Bob and walked to Forest Avenue, which is in the center of Laguna. We made several stops and lookey lou'd some and it was quickly apparent that Bob dog is losing his ability to walk well and not for long distances. He's an old dog, but still does not like us to leave him home, so we take him.

We headed back to the car, where we discovered that we had been given a parking ticket because our car was parked crooked and slightly over the line. Earlier when we parked there, the car to our left was slightly in our spot, so we parked slightly to the right of our spot, and that space was not a parking spot, but a spot dedicated to no parking. So we weren't prohibiting anyone from parking and we weren't, then, causing the city to lose revenue because no one could park next to us. So, now we get to write a convincing letter with much finesse and dignity to see if we can persuade the authorities that we were not in violation, and save ourselves the $40 parking fine. Egads!

Well, that wasn't going to dampen our holiday. We were then off to the healthiest spot in Laguna "The Stand" which is the healthy food eatery. We ordered 2 double shots of wheatgrass and 2 "All Sprouts Salads." That was lunch (a late lunch), and it was very good. Mr. Fun decided that we were not doing "sinful" eating, but eating good. So he told me that if we're not "sinning," we must be "gooding." ;-) So we added that to our vocabulary and moved further into our afternoon.

We decided then to drive north to Newport Beach on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) and gradually begin our journey east toward home and the Inland Empire. We were concerned that the 91 Freeway would be packed. But surprisingly there were few cars on the highway--hooray. We arrived home slightly before 6:00 p.m. to wonderfully pleasant temperatures.

This has been a Labor Day worth repeating. Tomorrow begins "Week 2" of the new semester. Good night.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol (and Bob dog)

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