
By stujphoto

Annual Exhibition

For the past six years or more with two of my friends I have mounted an exhibition at local libraries. Initially this was done in Edinburgh but exhibition space at the three libraries we tried there was fairly limited. Since moving out to East Lothian we decided to use Dunbar Library as it was able to offer us so much more exhibition space and since moving to their new premises last year this has been increased significantly so our current exhibition includes about 80 prints, drawings and paintings. Inevitably this is a lot of hard work selecting images, preparing images, test printing and final prints. mounting and in some cases framing.

One of my friends is another amateur photographer and the other an amateur artist and we regularly go out together to take photographs and sketch. Previous exhibitions have focussed on our very different interpretations of different subjects and locations. This year, the theme has been more on the development of our styles and technique. Eric has a series of photos of stone and rock faces which create almost surreal landscape images when worked on in Photoshop. John has been trying all year under the guidance of his art tutor to develop a far looser , expressionist style of painting and drawing.

With the motivation of the daily blip my photography has undoubtedly changed and I have tackled a whole range of new subjects and techniques over the last year:- from flower studies to birds in flight, from macro work to water droplet photography.

So despite all the hard work and heartache, mounting an annual exhibition is well worth the effort and gives you an opportunity to take an overview of your progress and development.

For any of you nearby blippers who might wish to visit the exhibition, it is open during normal library hours at Dunbar Library, Bleachingfield Centre in Dunbar from 4th November until 20th December

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