
A few weeks ago a friend of mine from the Health Club invited me to an exhibition of her paintings. I know I love her work as I've been to similar events. This one was at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens and I fell in love with "Morning Light - A Single Figure Climbing" - watercolour and ink on rice paper - (maybe a blip for a future occasion)

I bought it (my decorator had put up one too many picture hooks on my lounge wall so it was fate, wasn't it). The red "sold" spot was placed on it - and I promised myself a return trip to collect it and take a stroll through the Botanical Gardens with my camera.

A bright morning - it seemed a good idea - but when I got into the Gardens it clouded over and looked and felt like rain. All the birds were caged - apart from the stroppy peacock that I don't like - and the bars restricted a good shot. The flowers were largely over and the leaves were at the messy rather than spectacular stage. I was a bit discouraged until I saw my photos back home. Several of them were really rather presentable - and I chose this fella over a couple of exotic blooms

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