
I'm helping out Atlantic college this week, they're building a Goldberg machine and I'm the design and Engineering support. If you don't know a Goldberg machine is design with lots of different movement to carry out a simple task, imagine a big Mousetrap game :-)
Atlantic college focuses on a lifelong commitment to activity in the community, to collaborative work and social engagement and develops in young people personal initiative and the skills of leadership. Students are placed into positions of responsibility and decision making, and through action and personal example demonstrate a commitment to making a positive difference in the world.

The College based in St Donat's Castle dates back to the 12th century and had a number of notable owners, including William Randolph Hearst, the very successful American magazine mogul. Hearst bought St Donat's Castle in 1925 and brought to it many famous visitors including Charlie Chaplin and John F. Kennedy.

I walked from the castle along the coastal path to Nash point lighthouse, it was blowing a gale and raining on and off but it was a fantastic walk.

I hope you've all had a good Sunday and weekend, many thanks for the hearts, stars and great comments on yesterdays Weather blip

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