
By cowgirl

" You're not my friend "!!

I'm pretty sure that's how Nelson and Port feel about myself and Emma today. We took them out for a hack and within 5 minutes we were seeking shelter from a hail storm! We continued on, sheltering in a wood for part of the journey, but soon we were out in the lanes again, getting battered by intermittent heavy showers of rain.

We returned home soaked to the skin. Emma asked if I had a change of clothes. I said of course I do - just as soon as Sav comes to pick me up! Stripped down to my soggy long johns so's I could sit by the Aga with coffee and cake til he arrived with our suitcases in the car.

Had a few more cuddles with Mary, who despite being up since 2a.m. Was quite chirpy and didn't seem too phased about her missing parents ...

Rachel went into hospital this morning after having a rough day being too pregnant yesterday. At this point there was still no news.

After refreshments and a change of clothes we set off for Wiltshire at about 3p.m. After about half an hour I got a text from Emma:

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!

Woohoo! Mary has a little brother!

Rachel sent me a text tonight to say he was born at 14:06 weighing in at 8lb 11oz, so quite a healthy chap! No name as yet ...

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