
By cowgirl

Emma and Port

This morning we took a quick trip into Burton for a few bits and bobs. Didn't find what we were looking for though. It's becoming quite a mission to find some heart shaped wooden buttons to finish off the baby card I've made for Mary's sibling, when it finally shows it's face!!

Then we drove out to the venue where Emma ( Mary's aunty ) and Port were competing in a dressage competition. We arrived in the nick of time, as they were just entering the ring as I took up position to photograph them. I'm not very experienced in dressage, but I could tell things weren't going to well, and then Emma forgot to slow to a walk ' for the length of a horse ' ( so about 3 strides! ) in the middle of a trotting section. She immediately realised and was allowed to correct herself. Amazingly she wasn't penalised for it and got her best marks for that manoeuvre ( 8/10! ).

Emma was very disappointed with the 6th place as they achieved as they had practised all week and he had performed better then ( plus he'd won last weekend in another competition they'd entered! ).

We all trooped back to the farm for commiseration chocolate cake that Em's mum ( Mary's grandma ) made. She made a brandy butter cream for the centre - you would have laughed to see Mary run to get her cup when grandma opened the brandy bottle!! Needless to say she didn't get any, but was quite happy with a piece of chocolate cake instead!

This afternoon we're with Sav's dad for a visit, then we're off to see his mum, where we'll watch Strictly with a Chinese takeaway to tuck into. Yum!

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