Quick snap
4years 13days
Just a quick happy snap today of her looking cute in her "My Happy Accidents" dress and her pippy longstockings braids. She spent today with her cousins as I had a busy work day. They went to church this morning. She told me there were only three of them in girls' room. They did pictures of things they were thankful for. She drew Mummy, potatoes and peas. They ate a variety of snacks, including pink wafers, apparently to symbolise Manna.
They went home and she had a double helping of spagetti bolognese and a bowl of fruit for pudding. They had a walk to the park and duck pond. Apparently the ducks were very hungry and chased quickly to get the food, which Katie wasnt too keen on. Cousin1 foolishly asked if Katie would like picking up half way home. Katie then wouldnt walk anymore. Cousin2 and Katie spent a long time doing creative play with a pile of tupperware, wooden spoons, pots, rice and seeds. They played for nearly an hour at it. I arrived late afternoon, as tea was cooking. Katie ate 2 bowls of soup, a roll, a scone and grapes. She had a protest at leaving the Cousins but said goodbye and had a snooze on the way home. So we shall see what time she goes to sleep tonight! She's had a fun day.
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