Whitby Goth Weekend 2013

4years 12days

I had been hoping for a lot of this year that we would be able to go to Whitby Goth Weekend for the October weekend. But it looked like I just couldnt find a way. Early this morning, in the wee dark hours, I worked a way that I suspected *might just* be possible. It turned out to be only just possible, at a real stretch, but we made it!

I frantically ran round town during her ballet lesson to get a few more bits for both our outfits so we could be warm in the winter weather, then we headed by a mixture of bike, train and taxi over to Whitby early afternoon and met my parents. Just as a horrible rain storm was coming to an end.

We enjoyed a walk through the town, while Katie ate the best part of three sausage rolls. We wandered round one of the bizaars, and oddly found a very cool tree decoration with an Australian stamp on it, featuring a koala, a kangaroo AND Jesus! We watched a few boats come in through the harbour, as at least a hundred goths waited to cross the estuary with us. Over the river, the photographer to goth ratio was fairly even. The streets were packed. We enjoyed a bit of a wander round. Katie ate ice cream. We took a walk up the 199 steps to the church yard, before heading round to the Abbey. We had a leisurely afternoon tea in the Abbey tea room as the sun began to set. As we came out from the tearoom, a spectacular thunder and sheet lightning storm passed over and headed out to sea. It was quite eery from the Abbey grounds, but kind of cool. Until the spectacular rain pounded us as we walked down the stairs. Less than fabulous but despite this, we headed to our taxi (then train and bike) happy after a lovely last minute afternoon.

(This is Katie "Being Mary Poppins" in Granny's hat)

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