Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A beautiful morning

I was up early to collect Thomas form his sleepover last night - feeling rather bleary eyed after waiting up to fetch Adam from the station last night on the last train home from London. Actually, he came back on the 2nd to last train so not too bad.

On route to fetch Thomas I saw such beautiful landscapes as the sun was shining and it was a lovely morning. It was difficult to stop to take photos as in many cases the best views are from the car where there is no where to stop. This is a view of a pond in Albury, and if you look carefully you can see the heron sunning himself in the left hand corner of the pond.

Poor Murdoch has kennel cough. This is despite him being inoculated against it and the kennel being very strict at checking all dogs coming in are inoculated. He started last night with the most hacking cough and is feeling very sorry for himself today. I am keeping an eye on it and a trip to the vet may be necessary. I did some reading up on it on the internet and apparently the best home remedy for kennel cough is chicken soup and also honey. How on earth do you give a dog honey? I tried, but he just turned away and was not interested.

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