Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

After the rain

If only everyone offered the level of friendly, excellent service offered by Carphone Warehouse. We had such a pleasant experience with them again today, as Adam got his phone upgraded. Their staff seem to be always very friendly and super efficient and they give the best deals! Ok, no more plugs for them.

We had home made butternut soup for lunch - as the boys remarked, our only vaguely Halloween celebration! (Ok, I admit it, I am not a fan of Halloween). When I saw all the Christmas decorations in the stores today and the Christmas lights up in Kingston, I did get that Grinch feeling of not being very enthusiastic about it being nearly Christmas...again. As a child it is the best thing ever, but as a mum it is just hard work!

We had rain throughout lunch and then after lunch I had to drop Thomas off at a friend - the sun came out and this is what I saw....the light was beautiful for a while.

Now I must quickly make supper before I drop Adam off at the station, as he is going to fireworks tonight at Battersea Park. I get to enjoy the fun part of staying up late waiting for him to get back on the last train home....

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