
Bean got a fair bit of brand new lego for his birthday, as well as some spce lego that used to be Daddy's, so he's been playing with it at Gran and Grandad's house and bringing a small selection back home to play with in between. Tonight while we were making dinner, and after we'd eaten, and while pudding was cooking, and after pudding was eaten, he was building his own creations out of the bits he'd brought home. He's been building his own creations for a long time now but until now they've been very much imagination-needed things. This evening it's like he's suddenly put the knowledge gained from following the instructions on how to build simple and more complex lego cars and is now flying with it. It's amazing watching a five-year-old play!

Today we have been out on a welly-buying mission. Bean's old wellies, we discovered the other week, have a leaky sole - not that it makes a great deal of difference when you run repeatedly through puddles that come up almost to the tops of your boots anyway. He chose Superman wellies and is very pleased with them! He likes all his superheroes even more since we let him watch the Lego Batman DVD this morning :D

Then, Daddy suggested going to Pizza Hut for lunch. Totally unprepared (hadn't even brought the nappy changing bag with us, or insulin for that matter) we said yes why not. And had a lovely time! We have discovered Bean DOES like pizza, if it doesn't have tomato sauce on. And Bear REALLY likes pizza. And chicken. He almost fell asleep in the car on the way home but lasted (with a little tickling) until we got back and could change his nappy, and then promptly and without any warning fell asleep sitting up on a cushion watching the Lego Batman film a second time. (Which meant I could nip to the shops on my own, quite a novelty still!)

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