A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Fireworks and fair

All a little manic and bright and noisy and ridiculously expensive in the way that a captive audience and a million shiny things vying for your attention and the desire to drink beer to numb it all shows just what a fee market economy can charge.

Had a stroke of luck at the Hook a Duck stall mind - was so busy and inefficiently run that we got to watch about twenty kids before us pick ducks and all get directed to the really cheap crappier than crap tat in the baskets (as opposed to the giant cuddly monkeys and minion dolls that had no doubt lured them, like Anna in) despite them hooking a wide variety of ducks. So by the time the guy got to us and I asked how much it was (£3!!) the kids both looked at me, shook their heads and walked off complaining about scams.

So we had a lovely ride on the carousel instead and watched the fireworks.

Before that was a very chilled out Saturday, well for three of us (J had football training and an outing with a friend to the Imperial War Museum). No dance classes for Anna so we had a lazier start to the day and then spent the morning shopping for real and shopping in a game. Then a post lunch pilates class and a run home along the river, in the rain. Which I enjoyed more than I suspect I should.

It's been a long and lovely Saturday.

Lesley x

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