
By ChicaBonita

Last day touring Rome

First thing: Fontana dei Trevi
very beautiful, also very crowded but we were able to get to sit on the edge and toss coins in!(:
Next: Musei Vaticani
had the most beautiful and amzing artwork hanging on its walls but the ceilings were also so stunning, but that goes for most of the buildings in Rome, everywhere you go you just want to keep looking up! Also the museum was connected to the sistine chapel which cannot be described in words, but you were also unfortunatley not allowed to take photos of
After that: Castel Sant’Angelo
very cool old castle/fortress which i am sure my brother would of found quite interesting. from the top you had the most amazing views and could see all over Rome
Then came: Piazza Novana
Very well known square with 3 beautiful fountains and was filled the artists, it was quite cool to watch the different styles of all of the artists who were all very talented and friendly
Quick stop: Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti
very briefly revisited the spanisch steps- which were more packed than ever! after making a quick shoping stop at via del corso
Finally: Colloseo
It was quite amazing having the final stop be the colloseum again, much more beautiful in real life, but it was very cool to be able to see it all lit up at night(:

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