
By Dancersend

Exotic pea pods?

Just kidding! Not peas at all, but the bright orange seeds of Stinking Iris or Gladdon bursting out of the hanging pods. This plant is an introduction/garden escape in many places and this is almost certainly the case at one end of the nature reserve close to houses and gardens. However, there is also a nice clump in the deep shade of beech trees right in the middle of the reserve. I can only think this got here through the agency of a bird. Incidentally, although called Iris foetidissima it hardly smells at all. There is a slightly meaty smell from the leaves if they are rubbed, but you would not really describe it as foetid. It was commonly known as Roast Beef Plant in some localities, but both Geoffrey Grigson and Richard Mabey are clear that it smells of raw, not cooked, beef.

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