
By tadpoleview

Pumpkins - fun or serious?

I don't remember ever carving a pumpkin before today, and certainly not for Halloween. But at the prayer and worship group tonight we were each given a pumpkin and instructions on what to do and how we might pray as we did it.

So ...
we cut off the top and prayed that God would open our minds;
we scooped out the insides asking God to forgive us for the sin and wrong doing in our lives;
we cut eyes in the shape of hearts so that we might see how much God loves us;
we cut a nose in the shape of a cross and prayed that we might be forgiven for turning our noses up at all that God offers us;
we cut ears as we prayed that we might hear what God has to say to us;
we cut a mouth, praying that God would open our mouths to speak for Him;
and we lit a candle and placed it inside as we prayed that His light might shine out from us.

As you can see they were all different, just as we are all different. You can find one such prayer on the internet here, but there are probably many more too.

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