Flowerpower's journal

By Flowerpower

Not a heron

Continuing the theme of 'not' pictures. This is not a heron. Even though I took over 120 pictures of the bloomin' birds this morning. Unfortunately they were all a little too far away, blurry or hiding behind twigs. Not one was deemed to be blip worthy. Grrrrr...

So, here is St. Alban's Cathedral instead. A very impressive building.
Sister Flowerpower and I went into St Alban's this morning and enjoyed having a look round. In the park we saw lots of ducks, herons, great crested grebes, tufted ducks, moorhens and lots of coots. We loved their groovy shoes. I think he could probably tap dance. .

This afternoon we went to see Captain Phillips, which was an excellent film. Very tense. We are now recovering with a good cup of tea. It's been another lovely day.

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