
By fennerpearson

Blue sky and crow

I had to drive to Thetford, today. It doesn't look that far on the map but Google told me it would take me 4h 17m to drive there, so I set off just a few minutes after seven o'clock for my midday meetig. I was fortified by my first coffee but, somewhere around Ingleton, I realised the second one, whilst correctly located in the travel mug, was still on the side in the kitchen.

An hour and a half later, I got a call from the meeting organiser asking whether I'd set off yet as there were no trains out of London and they were debating cancelling the meeting. I peered up at the sky: I knew the storms were due but it was no worse than overcast where I was, a stone's throw from Bradford, and I said I'd press on.

By the time I turned off the A1 a couple of hours later, my sunglasses had been on for a while and all I could see were blue skies, which was quite surreal given the news on the radio. Stopping off at Cambridge Services for a coffee, I decided to take a picture of the blue skies and I saw this fellow, enjoying the view.

I'm not sure he's a crow... he might be a raven although a quick Google tells me ravens are members of the crow family. None of the tips for distinguishing between them were much help; I couldn't see any tail feathers and I didn't have a bird from the other species so that I could compare size. But if anyone can tell me, I'd be interested to know how to spot the difference.

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