Gull 1, Starfish 0

I took BlipBear and Kiwi down to the marina this morning before work to see if we could get a gull feeding blip. The gulls were there but they must have been the “slow” group because they didn’t seem to understand what it was that we were throwing around. There was a lot of noise, but they weren’t swarming after the bread like they usually do, so BlipBear and Kiwi sat forlornly on the bench with a pile of bread while the gulls squabbled, squawked and ran around in circles. It was confusing for all of us.

This gull, however, had his breakfast firmly in beak and wasn’t about to let go for bread. He wrestled with the starfish and looked as though he was about to figure out how to get it down his throat which is about when BlipBear, Kiwi and I left because it was getting gruesome. I wasn’t sure if it was possible for the gull to swallow the starfish whole, even though it was a little one, and I wasn’t sure the starfish wouldn’t come to its senses, make a last ditch attempt at survival and poke the gull’s eye out or something. I figured it best to let nature take its course and I really didn’t want to see which way it turned out. I never wait around to watch the lion run down the gazelle in nature films either.

BlipBear and Kiwi are having a sleepover with blipper MaryJo tonight and I suspect they’re in for a lot of fun because MaryJo does Halloween up in a big way and she has plans to entertain them for a couple of days. They’ll be back with me on Saturday when we have big plans for a party with Monty Moose and a host of critters and then Sunday we’re going horseback riding. I’m hoping blipper CelloNerd would like to host the traveling pair next, so perhaps we’ll have a blipmeet soon.

Watch this space.

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