News and coffee

I has intended to blip the metro sign outside Lafayette until I spotted Mr Gravett's image to one of the more ornate Metro signs, so, a rethink was in order. It had to wait until this evening evening though.

I have quite a few images of the last few days in Paris, bit I knew this grab shot taken just around the corner from Montmartre had legs (so to speak) the moment I pressed the shutter - a back blip from yesterday morning wanderings around the Sacre-Coeur and the adjacent streets around Montmartre.

This old fella was sat in one of the numerous cafe-bars - he was totally engrossed in his newspaper and espresso. Maybe he was waiting for Happy Hours....

Have to be say its great to be home - my feet are screaming at me to stop using them. Several blisters have been obtained over recent days. All well worth it.
The broken molar - less so.

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