When in Rome....

Do what all the tourists do - go photograph the Eiffel Tower.

A long day with many miles walked. We did a river cruise which provided a welcome sit down. We were hoping that the queues to ascend the tower might have shortened as daylight started to fade. Not a bit of it. Instead we hung around waiting for the light to fade. No tripod so this was high ISO.

The lights on the tower came on around 5:30 but I was waiting for the strobes to come. By 6 Gail was beginning to feel the cold so we decided to leave having heard they wouldn't be on til 7 (from a French speaker so I thought he might well know - he turned out to Be from Belgium). All cameras packed, just about to turn and head for the Metro and the sparkles sprung into life. Had to stay for a while longer.

For anyone visiting here - the fountains in front of the tower go through a timed cycle. They are on for 5-10 minutes then change. So it seems do the flashing lights. If nothing seems to be happening - be patient! I have forgiven the Belgian!

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