Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Morning Light

The light was lovely this morning as I walked across the park to work. I 'm glad I had my camera with me . Don't know what made me put it in my bag.

A morning at Time Twisters soft play with the Babies; the up side of being the only one that can drive the minibus I get to go on all the trips. They had a ball and it was nice to see them having lots of fun .

The afternoon was spent carving pumpkins with the Tweenies; a different day for me today and it was a nice change. Although tomorrow it will be nice to get back to my Pre Schoolers :)

Came home and collapsed in a heap on the hall floor; my mood changed so quickly. I had a cry and ended up falling asleep on the floor, until the phone went.
Had a one way conversation with Mum; she being totally unaware I was on the other end of the phone in tears.

I can feel an unsettled night ahead of me; I may go out for a walk.

Friday's doctors appointment can't come quick enough.

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