Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Cuz I'm Happy

Corra showing off her ball snatching skills with her favorite ball - her dino cuz! It was quarter to 5 when I looked up from my computer and saw just how dark it was already getting. So I whisked the dogs outside for a quick photoshoot with the last of today's light (which there wasn't much of :( ) The pups were happy though that they got a walk nearly 40 minutes earlier than planned <3

Rough start to my week. Taking the dogs out this morning, we exited through a different door to avoid some dogs who were coming up our stairwell. Well, as I was stepping out the door and scanning for people/dogs ... I was unaware that there was a step down right there (I rarely use this door) and I nearly face planted on the cement. Luckily my hands and knees took the brunt of it and the dogs just looked back at me all confused as to why I was on the ground when their pee spot was still soooo far away >:[ I then get in and can't login to work ... so I have to get someone from work to reset my account, so I start late. Then a million things went wrong with work in general .. because you know, it's Monday. I was also squirting blood from my nose on and off all day, probably because of all the bamboo dust from the floors going in (still worth it!) As a treat to myself, I made some butternut squash sauce during lunch (since it was mostly just roasting the butternut squash). It was delicious and mostly evened out my bad day. I sure hope the rest of the week goes a little better ;)

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