Wet Dry Sunny Rainy

By eubers

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Our second expedition day, this time to Valldemossa and Puerto de Soller.
Nice to be back in Valldemossa, Gortex bought a bag and I bought Ginjols, other wise know as Jujube or Chinese dates - like an elongated chestnut with the taste of crisp sweet apple and a pear - love to have these at home!
We all migrated down to the Puerto de Soller one of my favorite places - simply point a camera in any direction!
The disciples of Sol prostrated themselves on the sand; the unconvinced sat, had lunch coffee and beers, wandered along the front and then up to the viewpoint at the maritime museum.
The sun was setting, the colours were fantastic so we drove round the bay to the southern lighthouse for some amazing views before heading home for a 10pm meal like real Spaniards at one of my favourite restaurants . The staff were so nice we must eat there again

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