West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Grey Days

The storms that have been ravaging England were less evident here although the rains have been very heavy and the wind a chill on my face as I ventured out.

The river was ominous today, she looked like she was racing to greet me the tide high and running. I shot down the river as I loved watching the bank of white cloud racing across the hills. It looked as though the black t=storm clouds above were trying to squeeze the white clods down into the deep sided sea lochs, those that suit the hiding place of the black pig from yesterday.

I liked the softness of the clouds in contrast to the industrial harshness and straight lines of the docks, somehow haunting in the gloaming.

Another day at the rink,as with yesterday the twins skated, I drove to the hockey last night and played a game with my friend, a challenge thrown out to wave as I sped past the window, I cheated and flashed the car lights as I passed but even the briefest of glances and the backlit figure at the window was comforting and gave me a lovely feeling of calm.

I shoot the river for my friend but as they are home for a few short days they dont need my help tonight to be close to her but I gravitate to the river as the seasons make her challenging to shoot every day now.

I hope you enjoy the shot and best in large tonight. To those of you caught on the worst of the weather batten down your hatches and stay safe, tomorrow is another day, a better day a brighter day for us all

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