It's out!
After a lot of hanging around Carys's first baby tooth fell out today. Not that she has a gap as the big teeth are already there. We were sat in the Weston Auditorium waiting to see James Mayhew illustrate Carnival of the Animals and a Children's Guide to the Orchestra. she asked me to straighten it as it was twisted and bugging her and out it came in my hand. She didn't even realise until I showed her! Now she has written a letter to the tooth fairy asking if she can keep this one and asking what her tooth Fairy's name is. Cute.
Other than that, Jim and I had a very lovely start to the day with a big breakfast and a leisurely morning. We returned to a warm reception from the children, who had been very good although they were up very early thanks to a combination of the clocks changing and the wind and rain battering their windows.
Home for a quick change and we headed to Hatfield. Both kids enjoyed the concert I think. W was very vocal but was trying to use his 'piano' voice. When the conductor asked the audience what the people behind him were called when they were all together, it was William who was first to shout out "Orc cest car!" at the top of his voice! He loved guessing the animals and was fascinated by the cymbols, pretending he was playing them, he also loved the oboe but his favourite remains the violin. Carys, who doesn't really remember Music Train as she stopped when she started ballet, was also fascinated by all the instruments and was one step ahead of her brother in guessing the animals.
Unfortunately we were one ticket away from winning one of Mr Mayhew's pictures at the end. That did not stop William from shouting very loud "ME!" after one of the raffle tickets was called out. Slightly embarrassing.
Now they are asleep and I need to wrap some birthday presents. We are supposed to be heading to Thomasland tomorrow weather allowing. We are really hoping that the hurricane force wind and rain that are forecast have passed by the time we get up. Fingers crossed.
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