Out Of The Cage
Out of Centre Parcs that is. Plus it was a bonus to see the sun come out this morning too! I was hoping the catch the morning sun beaming through the trees/mist as I wandered through Whinfell Forest. No such luck.
But I came across an opening on the edge of the woods and this was the view, after lengthly walk through mud and gunk. Once the sun rose over the out-of-view trees on the RHS I shot this in Infrared at 6 seperate angles to form the panoramic image (later stitched together in PS). Not entirely satisfied with this effort, but still, a bit of practice and a nice walk through he morning air.
The sun actually stayed out for a while longer, which made me search for more photo opportunities. There were several varieties of fungi which I shot in IR and even spotted a red squirrel a few times, but wasn't quick enough for the "perfect wildlife shot". Click here for more of todays efforts in my Flickr Whinfell set.
Back to the holiday:
P & myself went indoor caving (mock caving if I have confused you). And we had a fab time climbing, crawling & sliding through a hundred meters of man made fibre tunnels. Awesome.
Finished the "day" off with a pub dinner in the Sports Plaza then topped the evening off with some more, yes youve guessed it, swimming, till 9.00pm.
Pretty shattered by the time it was bedtime.......zzz
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