Life In Wales

By KarenC

Divide and Conker!

In light of the impending storms later on tonight, Alan wanted to go and pick up his laptop from work so that he can possibly work from home tomorrow. So we went out fairly early, and called at the supermarket on the way which was heaving - I think everyone was panic buying!

We went to Alan's office and the security guard said that a lot of people had done the same thing, so it looks like most people will work from home tomorrow. Then before coming home we took Louis for a walk in the park, and Alan spotted this squirrel so I moved closer to get some photos. He was on the tree trunk and watched me for ages without moving, but then ran and sat on the this branch looking down at me. I think he was really angry because he kept shaking his tale and making a funny noise, but the whole time he had his conker in his mouth. If you look closely you can see the movement in his tale.

I'm glad I saw him as I didn't know what I was going to blip today - I didn't want to get too close to the sea as it's very rough, although I did ask Alan to stop the car on our way home so I could get a couple of shots from a distance. I've put a couple in my blipfolio if you want to have a look.

Anyway, we're home now and it's already dark - winter is definitely with us! We've battened down the hatches and removed anything from the garden that could break or blow away. Apparently the worst of the storm is going to hit at about 1am, so I hope you all stay safe!

Thanks for all your comments on my not so wicked witch yesterday, she flew onto the spotlight!

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