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By NessD

Big kid

The last few months have been amazing but it's nice to finally have a quiet weekend at home.

We had vague plans to get to Stonehenge today but they were scuppered by the time it took to carefully select a new pair of walking boots for his nibs and the ridiculously early closing October closing time of 4pm. Well it probably won't feel ridiculously early after the clocks go back. And we checked before we left the shoe shop so peace and harmony weren't threatened.

Instead we walked the new cycle path over the viaduct and along the Itchen navigation and then up and round St Catherine's Hill and back again. It doesn't sound much but for me,after the last few years, I was an achievement. I'd have been ecstatic with 3 miles on the flat never mind the equivalent of 25+ staircases with no handrail to get up there. My hips may have made me curse him once or twice on the way up. My foot joined in on the way down. That was just a mass of comedy waddling. My hip wanted me to lead with my left leg, my foot wanted me to lead with the right so I just had to alternate every 10 steps and laugh at myself as I went.

I may ache tomorrow. There's been the odd ice pack and hot bath tonight BUT it was so worth it. The view was amazing. I can't believe a little 3 mile walk with a bit of a climb has become such a challenge but the flipside of that is I get a kick out of it so happy days. And we didn't get rained on :-)

K, as you canactually maybe can't see decide to celebrate by testing the strength of the rope swing. It actually looks like he's levitating or trying to win the award for biggest splash in the puddle jumping world championships. I suddenly found my sensible head and didn't join him!


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