
By Houseonahill6

No jackets required

It is 6 years since we got the key to our Highland Home and we have nt regretted our decision once especially with the wonderful scenery we have on our doorstep or as in this case just over an hour away.
The day started bright so it was the ideal day to head for Glen Affric to enjoy the Autumn colours before they vanish before our eyes.
It was a stunning drive through a tunnel of leaves until we arrived at the carpark at Dog Falls. We've stopped there a few times as it's handy for the loos and the view from the bridge is lovely, we have strated a few walks from here but have never actually gone to the actually falls. The walk along the River Affric Gorge was really enjoyable as the sun shone through the leaves, mainly beech and the lichens covered the branches.
The river has gorged it's way between the rocks and it rushes through a gap deep below the viewing area. The rocks have been smoothed by the constant rush of water.
We crossed the bridge rather gingerly on my part as it was quite high above the black rushing water and walked through the forest next to babbling burns and dripping rocks.
We watched dippers hunting for food. Amazing birds that dive into the bubbles and get swept along with the flow and then pop out onto a rock.
In need of a rest now, think I will be dreaming of the views.

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