Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Friday Tanks

It was nice to get up this morning and not have to go to work. Enjoyed just being around the flat this morning, had breakfast and tidied up a bit from the week. Went over to Zamalek early afternoon with the mission of seeking out a new Spanish restaurant recently opened. It took me ages to find it and it was a bit embarrassing when I walked past the same security guards at the same corner for the third time, still clutching my ipad with the screen grab of the area map! When I did find it, I was a bit weary, hot and hungry and so I decided to try it out. It was ok-ish, but the cook definitely isn't Spanish. There's quite a nice atmosphere, more cafe than restaurant. It's not licensed, which I didn't mind with being 'Sober for October', but no self-respecting Spanish tourist would sit down and have a paella without a little glass of something! I had the non alcoholic sangria - not a good idea as it was too high on the cinnamon and a bit heavy. Anyway, might give it another chance when Bb's back. It was popular, but I think that's just the novelty factor. I may have just chosen my tapas badly today. I had to get back to the flat for the curfew, so just enough time to buy flowers from the same street seller as last week, have a bit of a wander and then taxi back to El Dokki and a quick supermarket visit. There seems to be a few more tanks around with it being Friday, prayer day and the 7pm curfew tonight. This was taken from the taxi on the way to Zamalek. It's 9.15 now and all quiet with everyone being at home. Amazing how you get used to the constant car horns go 24/7.

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