Life In Wales

By KarenC

Beachy Head Lighthouse

I had to make an unexpected trip back to Eastbourne this morning, as there was a problem with my new camera. On Tuesday I noticed a black mark when I was taking my photos, so I cleaned the outside of lens but yesterday it was even more apparent. Alan looked at it, and said there must be something on the sensor, so this morning I phoned the camera shop who said to take it back and they would replace it.

I went straight away, as I needed to be back for 12.30pm as I was going out with the walking group, and it's a 45 minute drive to Eastbourne. Anyway, there weren't any problems, and once I'd got the new camera I headed to Beachy Head to try it out.

The Lighthouse has just been repainted in time for it's 111th birthday - it first shone it's light on 2nd October 1902, was electrified in 1920 and became fully automated in 1983. It looks quite small against the cliff in my photo, but the height of the tower is 43 meters so you can imagine how high Beachy Head is!

I made it back in time to pick Chrissy up, and we went to meet the others for our 5 mile walk across the South Downs. The weather was perfect, and it was a lovely walk yet again. Louis enjoyed himself and is getting much more confident with the other dogs now.

Tonight while I was in the kitchen I noticed the outside light was on, so I looked out and saw another fox on the patio near the water feature. It had probably been having a drink of water and was much smaller than the other one I saw, so I think it was very young, and as soon as it saw me it disappeared into the darkness. They're obviously in the garden a lot as they keep digging it up, so Alan's going to set up a security camera which will work in low light, and connect it to internet so we can watch them :-) I hope to be able to blip one of them soon, just like Sue with Bingo.

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