A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Birthday Paaaarty!

I love a drunken night with all my girls and this one has definitely been long over due! With us all being at different universities and having jobs it's getting harder and harder to get us all in the same place at the same time. It's so worth the effort when we all come together though!

Tonight was awesome, a lovely catch up over drinks with a healthy dose of laughter and friendship! I can't express how much I miss seeing these girls on a daily basis! When we all get together it's like we've never been apart!

Tonight's gathering was in honour of Lauren turning 20 (We're all getting old!!) so it was drinks a plenty! We started off in her house and then moved to Gala for a few drinks and cocktails in a pub before they headed out. I went home after the pub, clubs aren't really my scene, but I still had a great night!

We are definitely not leaving it so long until we meet up again!

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