A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

A Day of Adventuring

Today can only be described as the perfect day! It's been excellent and I really don't want it to come to an end!

It started off with Rory and I heading to Deep Sea world! I cannot explain how excited I was to go! The fish are incredibly beautiful, there was even a Dory (finding nemo) amongst them! However, that wasn't the highlight of the trip, the highlight was getting to see the cute seals! they're so adorable....I wanted to take one Home as a pet. We even got to touch a shark and a starfish!

Seeing the sharks was pretty cool....they don't look scary in the slightest! The coolest animals in the aquarium were the stingrays though.....they look like they've got faces underneath them!

We then headed to Deuchny Bike park where I spent the afternoon taking photos of Rory biking! I love taking photos of biking....and I think I am improving with the shots I am getting! I got some good photos which I love, including these two: Wheelie and Focus

The rest of the night was spent looking at the photos and having a few cocktails in Wetherspoons.

The Perfect Day!

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