The Things We Do For Blip!

I climbed the ladder to take this!

This is my new kitchen light (fitted by the very, very nice man for nothing) and lampshade I bought yesterday :)

Conveniently you can see the sexy pink back wall through this, but just in case I added another carnation from the bunch I bought on Saturday! For Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Its great to see so many of you joining in, hope you've added them to the tag of 'pink challenge 2013' :)

Lots to do today as I'm preparing to go to a 'United Nations' social at small group tonight. I'm going to wear some Indian trousers I happen to have and just a black t shirt.... If I can work out how to use the strip of fabric that came with them (they were a present from friends visiting India a while ago), I will use that too...but I have no idea at the moment!

I'm taking some mango chutney and Indian coriander and mint raita with cucumber to dip, plus Bombay mix for nibbles.

Oooh yes, and in other I'm wondering about getting a new camera instead of a tablet.... Suggestions please! I would like a camera that I can add lenses to, but not a very pricey one as I don't have lots of money!!

AND has anyone seen An American Photographer who photographed every stage his girlfriend went through in suffering with Cancer. Very powerful photographs indeed.... Picked it up on Camera School's Facebook post!...

Happy Wednesday folks :) This week is going far too quickly for me....

Week 2 on holiday, Day 3

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