Pink Bracelet

Another dull, wet (and surprisingly very warm) day, so an indoors blip.

I've had this bracelet a few years. Its actually got more than one pink bead, but I quite like the focal black and white effect in picasa for this :) PINK for Breast Cancer Awareness Month :)

I've been out and about getting a new ceiling light which a very nice man is coming to fit in my kitchen this afternoon, and a few other bits and pieces. I only went out to get two things....naughty girl I am!

They will keep me busy though I (and I did need the wood and the hacksaw blades and nails for a project, and the needles for sewing up my knitting) :):)

I also bought a mat to go on the floor between front door and kitchen, as my carpet is getting very muddy with all the rain and the wet paws going back and forth! Bargain at £3.29 :)

Billy is fed up with this wet weather and has been sleeping indoors! See here for a fun picture Cat acrobatics whilst sleeping :) and he snores with his mouth open, funny boy :):)

Happy Tuesday folks :)

Week 2 on holiday, Day 2

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