Capital adventures

By marchmont


It was a night of fitful sleep as the sea lapped noisily past the hull and the wind rocked the gulet. We woke to find blue skies and sun and no rain, but a stronger wind, force 7 or 8? A number of the boats had moved in the night but we were still surrounded by boats drifting on their anchors. Then there was a minor panic we were drifting towards the gulet in front of us. Our mate was on board that one, owned by the captain's father, or was it uncle? and Mustafa, the captain was soon wrestling with the wheel and shouting orders down the order to the other gulet. I doubt it was 'left hand down a bit' but he did avert a collision.

There was no certainty about when it would be safe to leave but Gorkem decreed that after lunch we'd go for a walk, like taking the kids out after a few day's bad weather. We motored to the next bay and walked across to the ruins at Aperlai. the sea was muddy and sandy, no longer the turquoise blue. The views from the top of the ruins were spectacular. Then it was back to the bar where we'd left S and D for, a beer. S was getting fishing lessons from the 2 kids whose family run the bar. The 7 year old not only caught fish but gutted them too. And we saw 2 turtles. We also mislaid D who'd come back alone and gone to the neighbouring bar. Gorkem was not amused.

Then back to the boat and back to Ucagiz where we moored in the marina which meant shore leave.

We sat being entertained by Luigi, drinking Angora and watching the full moon rise over the trees. A quieter night tonight, in port.

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