From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

On the odd side....

Well today was peculiar! I think I need to stop watching Homeland before going to bed on Sunday as my dreams were troubled by thoughts of ginger people with shaved heads being locked up and drugged. I know you are all wondering how you would know if someone was ginger if they had a shaved head. SHUT IT! In last night's episode, the freckles and eyebrows gave it away.

Anyway, today on yet another day when all it did was rain, McDonalds was not open when I walked round the corner at 6:40am onto Solihull High Street! There was a little group of the usual zombies/hoodies huddled in the doorway outside looking more menacing than normal in the weird glow from the streetlights this most grim of mornings. I hurried past them glancing round occasionally to make sure they weren't following me with outstretched arms to capture me and turn me into one of the undead!

I reached the council house totally spooked out jumping at my own shadow and the sound of my own black denim clad legs rushing up the road. I was glad to stand on the doorstep with my back to the door but still expecting a murderer to appear from somewhere out of the gloom! It was with relief that I heard the key in the lock behind me and Robert (one of the custodial team) opened the door. I thankfully went inside and switched my box and fan on.

There must be something odd about me as I was delighted to find six people on my list this morning of employees to terminate! I just love killing them off completely! Don't worry as I'm only on about terminating their Oracle access. There was no blood up the office walls.

I stayed on Sys Admin all day again today only pausing to go out to McDonalds for lunch with Nuzhat, this time of course in daylight. It was still raining though. I had chicken nuggets with fries and barbecue sauce and my usual tea.

Sorry about my picture. A new cafe has opened in Touchwood where Yo! Sushi used to be. This is a vast improvement as the smell of raw fish used to make me feel like throwing up if I had to walk past.

I love lemon cake of any description and will definitely get some of this on Wednesday when I am next in Solihull.

Track? This was one of the first songs on Radio WM this morning and as I fell on my arse dancing to it in shower it stuck in my head all day. It was at the end of the film Fever Pitch with Colin Firth playing a schoolteacher who worshipped Arsenal. It's based on a book written by Nick Hornby which is a good read. Anyway, I am waffling again. Everyone up dancing to this one please! - The Bright Side Of The Road

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