Potemkin Stairs

Day 2 in Odessa and there has been a change in the weather. It's got colder! Windier too! It has stopped raining though.

We are on our own today and decide to do a walking tour of the city, revisiting a lot of the places we saw yesterday and retaking our photos. It turns out to be a brief sprint around the close in sights as the weather is so dreary!

These are the famous Potemkin Stairs. They are designed to look longer than they actually are. Something to do with them being narrower at the top than the bottom. Trust me, as someone who has walked up them, they are long enough without any special effects!

Look at the people wrapped up and heading back for the ship. They look like they're having a great time. faced with the choice between a norovirus infested ship and some good clean Black Sea Air, they're taking their chances with the warmth and the virus!

The vendor of soviet era style fur hats on the stairs was doing a roaring trade.

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