
There are too many big white waves going past the house meantime. In fact there is more water in the air than in Scapa Flow sea at the moment. Cabin fever beckons.

Therefore it's a day to sort the shed. In there somewhere is Aunty Kitty's Ouija board, an Austrian teddy bear, a half finished tin of St Bruno, a framed print of a hooded crow (why?), a shower curtain - unused, Hamish's fishing rod, two rusty fountain pens, scattered parts of a 5A Meccano set, a paper fan, an electric fan, a fan belt for a Hillman Minx, the lapel of Uncle Jock's smoking jacket (married to Kitty), a singed metronome (it was left on top of a paraffin heater for some reason), the veritable same paraffin heater, a Zeiss Netar camera (bellows still light-tight), a Chilean flag and a wooden carving of the head of Woodrow Wilson. Oh and my second cousin may be in there.

However the first job is to repair the fire rope in the living room stove. Forecast is not good - 48 hrs of rain apparently. Must find my picture of Mary Marquis.

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